Wakefield Self-Report Questionnaire: How do I know if you are depressed?

The boundary between sadness that we all experience from time to time and the illness, depression, is not well defined. Some people may seek treatment for relatively mild feelings of sadness, while others may avoid treatment even though they are severely depressed.

The Wakefield Self-Report Questionnaire permits people who may be depressed to obtain a depression rating score by answering 12 simple questions.

Read these statements carefully, one at a time, and post the score near the question that will be matching with the score opposite the response that best indicates how you feel. It is very important to indicate how you are now, not how you were, or how you would hope to be.

     A.   I feel miserable and sad______
0) No, not at all
1) No, not much
2) Yes, sometimes
3) Yes, definitely

     B.   I find it easy to do the things I used to do______
0) Yes, definitely
1) Yes, sometimes
2) No, not much
3) No, not at all

     C.   I get very frightened or panicky feeling for apparently no reason at all______
0) No, not at all
1) No, not much
2) Yes, sometimes
3) Yes, definitely
     D.   I have weeping spells, or feel like it______
0) No, not at all
1) No, not much
2) Yes, sometimes
3) Yes, definitely
     E.   I still enjoy the things I used to______
            0) Yes, definitely
1) Yes, sometimes
2) No, not much
3) No, not at all

      F.   I am restless and can’t keep still______
0) No, not at all
1) No, not much
2) Yes, sometimes
3) Yes, definitely

     G.   I get off to sleep easily without sleeping tablets______
0) Yes, definitely
1) Yes, sometimes
2) No, not much
3) No, not at all
     H.   I feel anxious when I go out of the house on my own______
0) No, not at all
1) No, not much
2) Yes, sometimes
3) Yes, definitely   
     I.   I have lost interest in things______
0) No, not at all
1) No, not much
2) Yes, sometimes
3) Yes, definitely
     J.   I get tired for no reason______
0) No, not at all
1) No, not much
2) Yes, sometimes
3) Yes, definitely

     K.  I am more irritable than usual______
0) No, not at all
1) No, not much
2) Yes, sometimes
3) Yes, definitely

     L.   I wake early and then sleep badly for the rest of the night______
0) No, not at all
1) No, not much
2) Yes, sometimes
3) Yes, definitely

Now summarize your scores per each individual answer and find out your total score.

TOTAL SCORE          _______

In the Wakefield Self-Report Questionnaire, most depressed people score 15 or above, whereas most non-depressed people score between 0 and 14. It is important to realize that a rating scale such as the Wakefield does not diagnose clinical depression. The Wakefield measures the frequency and intensity of symptoms often associated with depression. Some high scores may be attained by individuals with other emotional problems or physical illnesses. Therefore, use the test as a guide, and consider consulting a doctor for an evaluation if your score is 15 or more.

Scores lower than 15 may still warrant consultation with a doctor if your distress or dysfunction is substantial. Repeating the Wakefield approximately two weeks after its first use may be helpful, and if your score is still below 15 but rising, you should strongly consider consulting a doctor.

Source: Namig.ORG