Novo Vitae Basic Depression Test

This is a basic depression test that helps to identify key symptoms of clinical depression. In order for this depression test to be effective, answer the following questions honestly. Answer 'yes' to each question if your symptoms have been present most days, for at least two weeks. It should only take a few minuets to fully complete this depression test. 

In the last two weeks have you...
  1. Been down or in a depressed mood?
  • YES
  • NO
2. Experienced a noticeable lack of enjoyment of activities that use to be fun or pleasurable?
  • YES
  •   NO
3. Gained a substantial amount of weight?

  • YES
  • NO
4. Had any unusual aches or pains that are persistent and unexplained?
·        YES
·        NO

5. Had any problems sleeping or have you been sleeping more then usual?
·        YES
·        NO
6. Been overly irritated, apathetic or upset?
  • YES
  • NO
7. Experienced a lack of energy or felt constantly drained?
  • YES
  • NO
8. Felt guilty and/or worthless?
  • YES
  • NO
9. Been unable to concentrate or focus?
  • YES
  • NO
10. Lacked motivation?
  • YES
  • NO
11. Had any thoughts of death or suicide?
  • YES
  • NO  
Answering 'yes' to any of five of questions on this depression test indicate you may be suffering from depression. For a complete diagnoses and treatment consult with your doctor or health care provider. 

The guide has been prepared by Novo Vitae, virtual community, founded to help people work through depression.
