Black Dog Institute Self-Test for Depression

This easy and fast to complete 10-questions self-test can be considered as a preliminary self‐assessment tool for identifying possible symptoms of clinical depression. This self‐evaluation tool is definitely not intended to be a substitute for professional clinical examination and advice. While the results of the self‐assessment tool may be of assistance, users should always seek the advice of a qualified health provider with any questions they have regarding their health.


Please consider the following questions and rate how true each one is in relation to how you have been feeling lately, compared to how you usually or normally feel.

1. Are you stewing over things?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true

2. Do you feel more vulnerable than usual?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true

3. Are you being self-critical & hard on yourself?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true

4. Are you feeling guilty about things in your life?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true

5. Do you find that nothing seems to be able to cheer you up?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true

6. Do you feel as if you have lost your core and essence?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true

7. Are you feeling depressed?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true

8. Do you feel less worthwhile?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true

9. Do you feel hopeless or helpless?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true

10. Do you feel more distant from other people?

Not true
A bit true
Fairly true
Very true


For each of the 10 answers add appropriate score:
- 0 – for ‘Not true’,
- 1 – for ‘A bit true’,
- 2 – for ‘Fairly true’,
- 3 – for ‘Very true’


If you get 9 or more, you are in Red zone. Be aware that if these feelings persist for more than two weeks there is a good chance that you are clinically depressed. It is worth you speaking to your therapist or family doctor to clarify this possibility.

If you get less than 9, your results suggest that there are no reasons to suggest that you are clinically depressed at the moment. However, if you have any hesitation or suspicion, it might be helpful to see a doctor in order to clarify your medical condition with the professional means.

The Black Dog Institute is one of the leading institutions in Australia, dedicated to improving the lives of people affected by mood disorders through our high quality translational research, clinical expertise and national education programs. Founded in 2002, the Institute combines expertise in clinical management with cutting edge research to develop new, and more effective, strategies for people living with mood disorders.

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