Energy Shift in the Brain to Combat Depression

New brain imaging techniques used by neuropsychology researchers have established that the brain of the person, who is depressed, shows more energy in the right prefrontal lobe than the left. The brain of the person, who feels happy, has more energy in the left than the right.

Here where the science comes for validation. Several recent extensive scientific studies with MRI scans have positively established that when people are feeling a sense of well-being, their left pre-frontal lobe is activated.  When they are feeling depressed, by contrast, the right pre-frontal lobe shows more energy.

SAD, which is Seasonal Affective Disorder, along with other depression states on the wide range from the minor to the major episodes, all show this characteristic brain pattern of energy distribution.

When one of the independent therapy professionals, energy therapist Dale Peterson, read about this research, he decided to explore its potential therapeutic use.  Applying energy therapy techniques that take just a few minutes to accomplish, Dale tried switching energy from the right to the left pre-frontal lobe of his depressed clients to see if that would help them to return to a more positive emotional state. 

The developed energy psychology protocol utilizes the principle “energy follows intention”. It also uses the principle that intentions can be magnified by applying additional energy.

Treatment Effect

The first results have been quite impressive.  Clients typically feel an emotional shift within minutes, although some take up to a day or so.  They report feeling calmer, more positive, more relaxed.  The results last from several days to weeks and months.  Additional applications of the technique if the impact wears off bring the same positive changes.  After several treatments, however, the change to feeling better seems to become solidified.

Role of muscle kinesiology

Dale begins by training a client's arm to be responsive to muscle kinesiology assessment techniques. The arm then can give Yes/No answers to Dale's questions, providing a way that clients' internal knowledge can guide treatment.

He then asks the patient, via the arm-testing to score the intensity of the depression on a scale from 0 to 10.  That baseline score enables Dale and the client to know the starting point diagnostically.

Dale asks "Do your two prefrontal lobes have equal energy?"  The arm will then stay out-stretch to indicate yes or fall, indicating a no answer.

"Does your right prefrontal lobe have more energy than the left?"

"Does the left have more than the right?"

If there is more energy on the right, this indicates depression, and that a corrective procedure would be appropriate.

The intervention then is based on the idea that "energy follows intention." 

Verballing that his intention is for an optimal amount energy from the right prefrontal lobe to shift to the left prefrontal love, Dale runs a magnet called a "Magboy" down the client's spine several times.  He runs it along the line of what is often termed the governing meridian. This part of the intervention takes only a few minutes. 

After set of exercises completion, Dale assesses the outcomes, using muscle kinesiology again. He repeats the earlier questions asking if the energy is equally balanced or higher on the right or left, clients respond that it is higher on the left. 

Dale then asks if enough energy has been shifted.  Typically, 27x more energy on the left than on the right feels correct to people, at least according to readings using muscle kinesiology.

How long does this procedure take?

Altogether, including training the arm for muscle kinesiology and also testing for and removing if necessary psychological reversal, the full procedure typically can easily be accomplished well within one treatment hour.

How much science backs this procedure up?

This technique for shifting brain energy from the right to the left prefrontal lobe has not yet been subjected to large scale clinical studies with double blinds and other standard medical and psychological research procedures.  Dale is not set up to be able to conduct these kinds of experiments.

At the same time, a quick procedure with no apparent negative side effects that looks to have an 80% or so success rate merits reporting and exploring, if only to encourage potential researchers to explore the project.

Trying to make the theoretical sense from the positive outcomes of the treatment, we have to remember that 85% of the time, we function using our left brain. We make sense of things, think of sequences, analyze language and meaning, interpret information and communication and absorb new facts from all around us. Although these functions are necessary to our life, the left side of our brain has its limits and uses pressure to signal that we need to let go and switch to using our right brain.

The left hemisphere of our brain functions like a sequential receiver and processor, while the right hemisphere is in charge of our imagination, sleep (dreams), memory, intuition and all of our creative functions. We absorb with the left side and create with our right side. The brain is like battery – the right side charges it and the left side uses the energy and empties it. Our goal is always keep our mental battery charged.

The best way to change the balance and turn off the warning signs is to use the right brain more. Fun things we enjoy and love doing can do this straight way. Laughing, dancing, listening to music, singing, doing art and playing with animals can make a huge shift in our level of pressure. If the things we do are easy and familiar, the shift is also very easy.

The use of the right brain releases endorphins, making us feel good. Endorphins are “feel good” chemicals that trigger fun, enjoyment, happiness and relaxation. These chemicals also fight illness very well, help us boost our immune system and handle pain better.

But if you experience the devastating consequences of Depression, the mechanism of the energy balancing in the brain may not be working efficiently. Therapeutic energy balancing may help to reset the left brain saturation levels and provide the emotional relief.

What else can help to consolidate these gains?

With regard to the high success rate, Dale generally performs this one technique as part of a more comprehensive treatment. While this technique alone does usually give immediate relief, for the results to completely remove the depression and also for them to be lasting rather than transient, Dale usually adds further and sometimes equally mystifying interventions.

Based on the experience with the results on multiple patients, Dale has found that, by contrast with most of his procedures, shifting energy from the right to the left side of the brain in most cases has needed to be repeated several times over a period of weeks before it fully holds.  One treatment gives immediate relief; several treatments seem necessary for the energy to stay higher on the left prefrontal lobe, giving lasting relief.

Dale then checks and if necessary adjust the client's serotonin and oxytocin levels, and also amygdala reactivity.

Using muscle kinesiology Dale finds out, on a scale from 1 to 10, how much serotonin is at in the depressed person's neurochemical system.  If there's significant depression, the number will be in the 1 to 5 range according to our experience so far.  Normal is 6 to 10.

Dale asks then kinesiologically (via the arm) if it would behoove us to reset that level.  If the arm, speaking for the subconscious and/or universal knowledge, says "Yes," which it always has done thus far, he instructs the subconscious to reset the level of serotonin to a more optimal level, and reinforces this setting by running the Magboy magnet three times along the spine meridian, accompanied by the force of intention.  The new setting has been virtually always in the range of 7 to 10.

Dale uses a similar technique to check oxytocin levels and reset that level if necessary.  Oxytocin impacts trust and bonding.  Insufficient levels seem to accompany depression that has an obsessing or chronic doubting quality.

Lastly, a hyperactive amygdala can make a person react with excessive intensity to small triggers. Dale therefore uses the same techniques for initial assessing and then resetting the amygdala’s reactivity.  The initial setting for depressed people typically comes out in the 7 to 10 zone.  After resetting "to an optimum level" most people spontaneously reset to somewhere from 2 to 6.

Warning Disclaimer

One word of warning: Because this technique rapidly brings depression relief, severely/chronically depressed clients may now feel energized to do the suicidal actions they have long been contemplating. If this kind of client then suffers an emotional setback from a disappointing life situation, he or she now will have the energy to act on suicidal impulses. This danger must be explained to the client. In addition, frequent (daily?) contact may be a good idea until the client feels solidly consolidated into a happier life situation.

For clients who have not been thinking suicidal thoughts however, the treatment can bring rapid relief, making a return to normal emotional functioning radically faster and easier.

Video Presentation

The enclosed video clip will help you to understand better the technique and approach, presented in this post:

Sources and Additional Information: